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Tesla Motors came under renewed questioning about the safety of its Autopilot technology after news emerged on Wednesday of a fatal crash in China that may have occurred while the automated driver-assist system was operating.周三,中国经常出现一起可怕车祸的新闻,随后,特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)自动驾驶技术的安全性再度受到批评。事故有可能是在自动的驾驶员辅助系统运营期间再次发生的。
The crash took place on Jan. 20 and killed Gao Yaning, 23, when the Tesla Model S he was driving slammed into a road sweeper on a highway near Handan, a city about 300 miles south of Beijing, according to a report broadcast on Wednesday by the Chinese government news channel CCTV.中国政府的新闻机构中央电视台周三报导,事故再次发生的时间是1月20日,地点在北京以南大约480公里处的城市邯郸附近的一段高速公路。报导称之为,一辆特斯拉Model S撞到向一辆道路清扫车,造成23岁的驾车人高雅宁丧生。The report includes in-car video looking through the windshield as the car travels in the left lane at highway speed just before ramming into a parked or slow-moving orange truck. 央视的报导中经常出现了一段在车里利用挡风玻璃摄制到的视频。
视频表明,就在撞向一辆停着或正在较慢移动的橘黄色卡车前,特斯拉汽车正在以高速公路的车速行经在左侧车道上。The video, apparently shot by a camera mounted on the rearview mirror, recorded no images, sounds or jolts that would suggest the driver or the car hit the brakes before impact. At that point, the in-car video ends.这段视频或许是由一个放置在后视镜上的摄像头摄制的。视频未记录下任何画面、声音或震动能指出驾驶员或特斯拉汽车在爆胎有刹车动作。
视频停在了爆胎那一瞬间。“When it was approaching the road sweeper, the car didn’t put on the brake or avoid it,” a police officer said in the CCTV report. “Instead, it crashed right into it.”“白色特斯拉轿车在遇上前方正在施工作业的这个道路清理作业车时,没采取任何紧急制动和逃离措施,”一名警员在央视的报导中说道。“必要与其撞。
”In an emailed statement, Tesla said on Wednesday that it had not been able to determine whether Autopilot was active at the time of the Handan accident. The company declined to say when it learned of the fatality in China, or whether it had reported the crash to United States safety officials, who are investigating a fatal accident in Florida on May 7 in which Autopilot was engaged.周三当天,特斯拉在一份通过电子邮件收到的声明中回应,尚能无法推断邯郸那起事故再次发生时,自动驾驶系统否正处于激活状态。该公司拒绝接受透漏是何时获知再次发生在中国的这起可怕事故的,以及公司否已向美国的安全性事务官员汇报此事。涉及官员正在调查5月7日再次发生在佛罗里达州的一起可怕事故。在那起事故中,自动驾驶系统正处于用于状态。
So far, that Florida accident is the only confirmed death involving a Tesla with Autopilot turned on. In that accident, there was no sign that the driver or Autopilot had applied the brakes before the car collided at high speed with a tractor-trailer that had turned in front of it.迄今为止,佛罗里达州那起事故是唯一一起获得证实的,牵涉到关上了自动驾驶系统的特斯拉汽车的可怕案例。在那起事故中,没迹象指出在那辆特斯拉汽车与前方一辆弯道的牵引式挂车高速撞前,驾驶员或自动驾驶系统采行了刹车措施。Although Tesla learned of the Florida accident a few weeks after it happened, it did not publicly disclose it until late June, when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced it was investigating the crash.特斯拉尽管在佛罗里达州那起事故再次发生几周后之后告诉了事故情况,但直到6月末美国国家公路交通安全局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)宣告正在展开调查时,才公开发表透露此事。News of the Chinese crash will renew questions about when the company should disclose information about accidents in cars equipped with Autopilot and what information should be shared.对于公司应当何时发布配有自动驾驶系统的车辆的事故,以及明确应当共享哪些信息,此前早于有批评,此次中国的车祸消息爆出后,人们再度明确提出这一问题。
“Because of the damage caused by the collision, the car was physically incapable of transmitting log data to our servers, and we therefore have no way of knowing whether or not Autopilot was engaged at the time of the crash,” a Tesla spokeswoman, Alexis Georgeson, said in the company’s statement. “撞击给车身导致的损毁,不会造成事故车辆无法将记录下来的数据传输到我们的服务器上,因此我们不得而知获知事故再次发生时,否用于了自动驾驶,”特斯拉的发言人亚历克西丝乔治森(Alexis Georgeson)在公司声明中说道。“We have tried repeatedly to work with our customer to investigate the cause of the crash, but he has not provided us with any additional information that would allow us to do so,” she said of the car’s owner, Mr. Gao’s father.“我们多次企图与顾客合作,调查事故原因,但他并未获取任何能容许我们这么做到的额外信息,”她说道到那辆特斯拉的所有者,也就是高雅宁的父亲时说。She said Tesla was saddened to learn of the death of Mr. Gao. “We take any incident with our vehicles very seriously and immediately reached out to our customer when we learned of the crash,” she said.乔治森回应,获知高雅宁的死讯,特斯拉深感哀伤。
“我们非常重视和我们的车辆有关的任何事故,得知爆胎事故后,我们立刻与顾客获得了联系,”她说道。Tesla and Autopilot have been under scrutiny since the disclosure of the May fatality. That crash killed Joshua Brown, 40, whose 2015 Model S was traveling 74 miles per hour when it collided with a tractor-trailer that had turned left and was crossing a highway near Williston, Fla. Autopilot’s radar and cameras failed to recognize the white truck against a bright sky.自从5月那起致人丧生的事故被公开发表后,特斯拉和自动驾驶仍然倍受注目。那起事故造成40岁的约书亚布朗(Joshua Brown)丧生。与一辆牵引式挂车撞时,布朗驾驶员的2015年产Model S于是以以74英里的时速行经。
那辆挂车已完成左转,急忙穿越佛罗里达州威利斯顿附近的一条公路。在能见度很高的情况下,自动驾驶系统的雷达和摄像头没能辨识那辆白色的卡车。News of the China crash comes just three days after Tesla’s chief executive, Elon Musk, outlined changes planned for Autopilot that he said would have prevented Mr. Brown’s accident and that he contended would make the Model S one of the safest cars on the road.就在有关中国这起事故的新闻经常出现的三天前,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)详细讲解了自动驾驶的调整计划。
他说道涉及变化需要避免再次发生布朗遭遇的那一类事故,并声称它们不会让Model S沦为路面上最安全性的汽车之一。The changes include refinements in Autopilot’s radar that improve its ability to spot and identify obstacles down the road and additional warnings to force drivers to keep their hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road while the system is active.这些变化还包括对自动驾驶系统的雷达展开多处改良。
这些改良需要提高雷达找到并辨识路面障碍的能力,此外还不会收到警告,被迫驾驶员在用于自动驾驶系统期间将双手放到方向盘上,并留意路面情况。Tesla has said Autopilot is not meant to take over completely for a human driver. When Autopilot is turned on, drivers are given audio and text warnings to remain alert and engaged while using it.特斯拉回应,自动驾驶系统不是为了完全代替驾驶员。关上自动驾驶后,驾驶员不会接到语音和文字警告,让其在用于自动驾驶系统期间保持警惕,留意车辆行经情况。In August, Reuters reported that Tesla removed a Chinese term for “self-driving” from its China website after a driver in Beijing had a nonfatal crash while Autopilot was engaged. That driver later complained that the carmaker had oversold Autopilot’s capability.路透社(Reuters)在8月报导,北京的一名驾驶员在用于自动驾驶系统期间再次发生车祸后,特斯拉在其中文网站中去除了“自动驾驶”这个词。
那起事故并未导致人员伤亡。后来,那名驾驶员责怪称之为特斯拉高估了自动驾驶系统的能力。The video of the January accident indicates the type of unexpected problem that can crop up at highway speeds. Critics of Autopilot say a driver can be lulled into complacency, leaving too little time to take back control of the vehicle.在1月那起事故中保有下来的视频,指出了汽车在高速公路上行经时可能会经常出现的意想不到的问题。
对自动驾驶所持抨击态度的人指出,驾驶员可能会错误地产生一种热情,造成其完全没时间新的掌控汽车。Mr. Gao was traveling in the left lane of a three-lane highway with another car ahead of him. When the car ahead moved into the center lane, it revealed the orange truck, which was straddling the road’s left shoulder. Mr. Gao’s car never slowed before plowing into the truck.邯郸那起事故再次发生时,高雅宁正行经在一段三车道高速路的左侧车道上,另一辆车在他前面。前车划归中间车道后,那辆橘黄色的卡车显露出了出来。它的车身跨上了左侧路肩。
撞到向那辆卡车时,高雅宁的车丝毫没滑行。Police investigators concluded that Mr. Gao was responsible for the accident, CCTV reported. But in July his family sued the dealer who had sold the Tesla.央视报导称之为,警方调查人员确认高雅宁对事故胜主要责任。
但7月,高雅宁的家人把售出那辆特斯拉的经销商告上了法庭。The driver’s father, Gao Jubin, told CCTV he thought his son had been relying on Autopilot to drive the car and so was not watching the road when the crash took place.高雅宁的父亲高巨斌对央视回应,他指出自己的儿子仍然倚赖自动驾驶,因此在事故再次发生时并未仔细观察路面情况。The lawsuit was filed “to let the public know that self-driving technology has some defects,” the family’s lawyer said in the report. “We are hoping Tesla, when marketing its products, will be more cautious. Don’t just use self-driving as a selling point for young people.”高雅宁家人的代理律师在央视的报导中回应,驳回诉讼是为了“让公众告诉,这种自动驾驶技术有缺陷”。